The long road to tea: tea cultivation in Vietnam


Vietnam, with an impressive tea history dating back to the earliest centuries of the country's history, has developed a deep connection with tea throughout the ages. Even under the Hung kings, tea was an important part of cultural life and was used in royal rituals. This deep rootedness continued in the Ly and Tran dynasties, where tea was a symbol of royal culture and diplomatic relations.

In the 19th century, during the French colonial period, tea cultivation in Vietnam experienced a significant boom. The French brought modern cultivation techniques and new types of tea to the country, which led to diversification and an increase in quality. Vietnam established itself as an important tea exporter.

However, the Vietnam War posed a major challenge for the tea industry. Many plantations were neglected or destroyed, and exports suffered significantly from the chaos of the war. After the war, a phase of reconstruction began. Traditional cultivation methods have been combined with modern techniques to improve tea quality and protect the environment.

Today there are over 250,000 hectares of tea plantations in Vietnam. The leaves are carefully harvested by hand in the mountainous regions and the processing is carried out with great care to preserve the best flavors. The diversity of Vietnamese tea reflects the different growing regions and methods.

Tea is an integral part of daily life in Vietnam, a symbol of hospitality and social cohesion. Tea production is not only an important industry, but also an expression of cultural heritage.

Vietnam's commitment to sustainability and environmental protection is evident in tea cultivation. Many farmers use environmentally friendly techniques and rely on natural fertilizers and pest control. In addition to traditional teas such as green and black tea, specialty teas such as lotus flower and jasmine tea are also produced in Vietnam.

Overall, Vietnam is a fascinating home of tea, characterized by a rich history, cultural diversity and a commitment to quality and sustainability. For tea lovers, it is worthwhile to discover and enjoy the diverse flavors and stories of Vietnamese tea.


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