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Green tea: A daily ritual for health and joy of life

Green tea, an integral part of Asian culture for centuries, is now conquering the world as a health-promoting drink. Its popularity continues to grow as more and more people discover its positive effects on health and well-being.

How much green tea is recommended per day?

The question about the daily amount of green tea is not only frequently asked, but also scientifically well researched. It is generally recommended to enjoy between two and five cups of green tea daily to reap its benefits such as improved metabolism, increased fat burning and a stronger immune system. It should be noted that green tea contains caffeine, the amount of which varies depending on the type and preparation.

Green tea for burning fat and losing weight

Green tea is known for its ability to aid fat burning. The catechins it contains, especially EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), can help boost metabolism and promote the oxidation of fat. This makes it an ideal companion for a balanced diet and an effective workout.

The art of making tea: water temperature and steeping time

The preparation of green tea is crucial to its taste and healing properties. For the perfect cup, the water should not be boiling hot. Ideally, the temperature is between 60°C and 80°C to preserve the tea's valuable antioxidants and avoid bitterness. The steeping time should be between one and three minutes, depending on the desired strength.

Detoxifying with green tea: myth or truth?

The detoxifying properties of green tea are well known in the wellness community. It contains polyphenols and antioxidants that support liver function and can help eliminate toxins. Green tea is therefore a valuable addition to a detoxification program.

Organic teas: a trend with depth

The trend for organic teas is growing as consumers increasingly value sustainability and natural farming practices. Organic teas from are grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, which guarantees the purity of the tea and its genuine taste.

Tea Cultivation and Culture: A Window to the World

The cultivation and culture of tea are as diverse as the regions from which it comes. Vietnam, known for its exquisite green tea and unique varieties such as Vietnamese Red Tea, offers a rich tea culture that can be experienced in every sip.


Green tea is more than just a drink - it is an elixir of life that tells the story and culture of its origin in every cup. From its role in traditional ceremonies to its modern uses as a health and wellness drink, green tea is a truly magical natural product.

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