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Oolong tea and health: why is it considered a super drink?

Oolong tea, a traditional Chinese drink that ranks between green and black tea in oxidation, has made a name for itself worldwide as a "super drink." Its unique manufacturing process not only gives it a distinctive taste and aroma, but also a wealth of health benefits that make it stand out from the wide range of tea varieties.

Unique manufacturing for unique benefits

Oolong tea's oxidation process, carefully controlled to be between that of green and black tea, is the key to its health properties. This intermediate oxidation results in high levels of polyphenols, including theaflavins and thearubigins, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Metabolism and weight loss

One of the most valued properties of oolong tea is its ability to boost metabolism and help the body burn fat. Studies show that regular consumption of oolong tea can lead to an increase in metabolic rate, which supports weight loss and fat burning. This makes it an ideal companion for people who want to achieve their weight loss goals.

Heart health

Regular consumption of oolong tea can also have positive effects on heart health. Research has found that people who regularly drink oolong tea have a lower risk of high cholesterol and high blood pressure, two major risk factors for heart disease. These effects are attributed to the antioxidants in tea, which help maintain a healthy vascular system.

Mental health support

Oolong tea contains L-theanine, an amino acid known for its calming effects on the brain. Consuming oolong tea can therefore help reduce stress and improve concentration and mental well-being. These relaxing properties make it an excellent choice for moments of relaxation and meditation.

Skin health

The antioxidant properties of oolong tea can also have positive effects on the skin. Some studies suggest that regular consumption of oolong tea may help improve certain skin conditions such as eczema by reducing inflammation and promoting skin health.


Oolong tea offers an impressive array of health benefits that make it a true super drink. From aiding weight loss to promoting heart and skin health to improving mental well-being, oolong tea is a versatile natural product that should be part of any healthy lifestyle. The selection of Oolong teas at allows you to discover these health benefits while enjoying the rich taste and heritage of Vietnamese tea culture.

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