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Hot and delicious: tea with a spicy touch:

Incorporating spicy elements like ginger or pepper into tea blends is an exciting way to increase the heat and complexity of the tea. In Vietnamese tea preparation, such ingredients are often used to not only enrich the taste of the tea, but also to enhance its health-promoting properties. Here are some tea blends that have a zesty touch:

  1. Vietnamese ginger tea

    • preparation: Fresh ginger is finely chopped or grated and brewed along with traditional Vietnamese green or black tea. Sometimes honey or lemon juice is added to complement the flavor.
    • Taste and effect: This tea has a distinctly spicy note and is known for its warming properties. Ginger is also helpful for digestive problems and to relieve cold symptoms.
  2. Black pepper tea

    • preparation: Black pepper is added to black or green tea in moderate amounts to create a spicy note. The peppercorns can be used whole or lightly crushed.
    • Taste and effect: The black pepper gives the tea a spicy but pleasant note. It stimulates metabolism and can promote blood circulation.
  3. Lemongrass tea with chili

    • preparation: Fresh lemongrass and a small amount of chili are brewed together with green tea.
    • Taste and effect: The combination of lemongrass and chili provides a refreshing yet spicy taste. This tea is ideal for those looking for a lively and invigorating taste experience.
  4. Turmeric ginger tea

    • preparation: Turmeric and ginger are combined together with a base tea such as green or black tea. Other spices such as cinnamon or cardamom are sometimes added.
    • Taste and effect: This tea blend is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. The tea has a warm, spicy note and supports the immune system.

These spicy tea blends not only taste interesting, but also offer health benefits. They are typical of Vietnamese tea making, in which traditional teas are often infused with local ingredients to create unique flavor profiles. These teas can be enjoyed hot to take full advantage of their warming properties and are particularly popular in the colder months or as a soothing drink when feeling unwell.

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