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Teas for children: fun and taste in one cup

Introducing children to the world of tea can be a fun and healthy experience. When choosing tea types and recipes for children, it is important to choose caffeine-free or low-caffeine options and to use natural sweeteners. Here are some kid-friendly tea ideas:

  1. fruit teas: Fruit teas are naturally caffeine-free and offer a wealth of sweet and fruity flavors. Popular options include apple, strawberry, raspberry and peach. These teas can be served hot or as a refreshing iced tea.

  2. herbal teas: Chamomile, peppermint and rooibos teas are also caffeine-free and can have a calming effect. Chamomile is particularly known for its relaxing properties, ideal before bed.

  3. Honey or vanilla infused tea: Add a touch of natural honey or vanilla to a mild tea, such as rooibos, to create a sweet and pleasant aroma that children will love.

  4. Milch-Tees: A mixture of milk and a mild black tea (in small quantities) with a little honey or maple syrup can be a delicious and soothing option. Chai tea with milk and a pinch of cinnamon is also a delicious choice.

  5. Iced teas with fruits: Combine cold-brewed fruit tea with fresh fruits such as berries, orange slices or lemons for a refreshing and healthy summer drink.

  6. DIY tea bags: Have the kids fill their own tea bags with their favorite herbs and fruits. This not only encourages their creativity but also their interest in drinking tea.

  7. Taste experiments: Encourage children to try different tea combinations to create their own “specialty tea.” You can mix different fruits, herbs and natural sweeteners.

Kid-Friendly Tea Recipes

  • Strawberry vanilla tea: Combine strawberry fruit tea with a touch of vanilla extract and sweeten with honey as needed.
  • Lemon peppermint iced tea: Brew peppermint tea and let it cool. Add fresh lemon juice and a little honey to create a refreshing iced tea.
  • Warm apple and cinnamon mixture: Blend apple tea with a hint of cinnamon and sweeten it with a little maple syrup for a warming drink on colder days.

Kid-friendly teas offer a great way to introduce younger generations to healthy drinking habits while introducing them to the joy of drinking tea.

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