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How much tea should you drink per day?

Wie viel Tee sollte man pro Tag trinken? -

How much tea should you drink per day? A question that concerns many tea drinkers. Some people swear by several cups a day, while others only enjoy an occasional cup. But what is the recommended amount of tea?

Experts recommend that adults can drink up to four cups of tea per day without negative health effects. However, not all four cups should consist of highly caffeinated teas such as black tea or matcha, as this can lead to restlessness, nervousness or sleep disorders.

For people who are sensitive to caffeine or need to maintain a low calorie intake, herbal tea can be a good alternative. Herbal tea usually does not contain caffeine and can also be integrated into a balanced diet as a low-calorie drink.

It is also important to pay attention to the quality of the tea. High quality tea contains more nutrients and antioxidants than low quality tea. If possible, tea drinkers should choose organic or fair trade tea.

Another important factor is how the tea is prepared. Tea should not be steeped too hot or for too long, as this can result in a bitter taste and loss of nutrients. It is recommended to let the tea steep for 2-5 minutes at a water temperature of 80-85 degrees Celsius.

Overall, tea can be a healthy and delicious drink that should be enjoyed in moderation. The right amount and preparation of tea can help maximize its many benefits while minimizing negative effects.

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