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General About Tea: An In-Depth Look at Vietnamese Specialties

What is the difference between green and black tea?

Vietnamese tea offers a wealth of flavors that are closely linked to the way it is processed. Green tea is made from tea leaves that are steamed or heated dry immediately after harvesting. This process prevents fermentation and preserves the green color of the leaves as well as their fresh, slightly grassy taste. In contrast, black tea goes through a complete fermentation process where the leaves are wilted, rolled, fermented and then dried. This results in a stronger flavor and darker color of the tea. Both types of tea, green and black, thrive in the Vietnamese highland regions, where the climate and soil give the teas a unique aroma.

How is tea actually made?

The art of tea making in Vietnam is a careful process that begins with selecting the best tea leaves. These are traditionally hand-picked to ensure the quality of the final product. Green tea is processed shortly after harvest by heating the leaves to deactivate the enzymes that would cause oxidation. Black tea, on the other hand, is withered after picking, rolled and subjected to controlled oxidation before being dried. This process is crucial to creating the rich flavor and color of black tea. attaches great importance to preserving these traditional methods to ensure the authenticity and rich taste of Vietnamese tea.

Is there tea without caffeine?

Yes, there are teas without caffeine that are a great alternative for those who are sensitive to caffeine or want to avoid it. While traditional green and black teas contain caffeine, herbal and fruit teas offer a delicious caffeine-free option. These are not made from the tea plant (Camellia sinensis), but from a mixture of different plants, herbs, fruits and flowers that offer a wide range of flavors.

How do you store tea properly?

Properly storing tea is crucial to preserving its aroma and freshness. Tea should be stored in an airtight container to protect it from moisture, light and foreign odors. Ideally, tea is stored in a cool, dry place. The packaging from is specially designed to maintain the quality of the tea after opening by enabling optimal storage.

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