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Which loose tea is the best?

The question of the best loose tea is as multifaceted as the world of tea itself. In contrast to tea bags, loose teas offer a richer aroma and the opportunity to directly assess the quality of the tea leaves. At, where the passion for high-quality, authentic Vietnamese tea is paramount, the range includes an impressive selection of loose teas that will delight every tea lover.

Discover the diversity of Vietnam

Vietnam, with its long tea tradition, produces some of the finest loose teas in the world. From green teas, which are known for their freshness and lightness, to intense black teas – brings this variety directly into the cups of tea lovers.

  1. Green Tea: Vietnamese green tea is famous for its delicate, often floral flavors. Varieties like "Vietnamese Green" offer a slightly sweet taste experience that is both refreshing and invigorating. This tea is ideal for those looking for a subtle but flavorful tea.

  2. Oolong tea: A specialty in the world of tea is the Vietnamese oolong, which is characterized by partial fermentation. These teas, like the "Imperial Oolong", offer a complex spectrum of flavors - from slightly floral to rich and full-bodied. Oolong tea is for tea lovers who value a complex taste experience.

  3. Black Tea: For those who prefer a stronger tea, offers a selection of black tea known for its deep, rich color and strong aroma. The "Vietnamese Black Tea" is a prime example of high-quality workmanship and offers a perfect balance between sweetness and spice.

  4. White tea: Although rarer, you can also find white tea at, such as the "Silver Needle" from Vietnam. This tea is known for its fineness and gentle taste as well as the light yellow cup color.

Quality and sustainability

When choosing the best loose tea, not only taste but also quality plays a crucial role. attaches great importance to sustainable cultivation methods and fair trading conditions. The teas are special not only because of their taste, but also because of their origin and the way they are grown and harvested.

The conclusion

The question of which loose tea is best remains a personal choice that depends on individual taste preferences. offers a platform on which both newbies and experienced tea drinkers can explore the diversity and depth of Vietnamese teas. Every cup tells a story - from the rolling hills of Vietnam to your home tea cup.

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