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The art of cold brew: refreshing enjoyment with organic Vietnamese tea

Die Kunst des Cold Brew: Erfrischender Genuss mit vietnamesischem Bio-Tee -

In the hot summer months, there is hardly anything more refreshing than an ice-cold tea. But did you know that you can also brew your favorite organic tea from Vietnam cold? Cold brewing is the new way to enjoy tea and it offers many benefits. In this article, you will discover the art of cold brew with organic green, black, yellow and red Vietnamese tea and the steps to prepare this refreshing drink.

Cold Brewing: What is it?

Cold brewing is a gentle method of making tea by steeping tea leaves or tea bags in cold or cold room temperature water. Unlike traditional hot water preparation, cold brew gently extracts the flavors, resulting in a smoother and less bitter taste.

The benefits of cold brew tea:

  • Gentle taste: Slowly extracting the tea creates a more balanced drink without bitterness or astringency.
  • Naturally sweet: Cold brew tea develops a natural sweetness that often makes adding sugar or sweeteners unnecessary.
  • Less caffeine: The cold brew process reduces the release of caffeine, making the drink ideal for a refreshing evening treat.
Healthy ingredients: All of the tea's valuable ingredients and antioxidants are retained because they are not destroyed by hot water.

Cold Brewing Instructions:
  • Choose high-quality organic Vietnamese tea, such as green, black, yellow or red tea from
  • Fill a carafe or container with cold or cold room temperature water. For a small carafe we ​​recommend around 500 ml of water, for a larger carafe 1 liter.
  • Add the desired amount of tea leaves to the water. About 10-15 grams of tea per liter of water is recommended.
  • Seal the carafe or container and place it in the refrigerator.
  • Let the tea steep in the refrigerator for at least 4-12 hours, depending on how strong you like the flavor.
  • Remove the tea from the refrigerator and pour it through a strainer into a glass or cup.
  • Add ice cubes, fresh fruit or mint if necessary and enjoy your refreshing cold brew tea!

Cold brewing is a delicious way to enjoy organic Vietnamese tea and fully discover its natural flavors and healthy properties. Whether you prefer green, black, yellow or red tea, the cold brew process is simple, refreshing and offers a variety of benefits. Try it and let yourself be enchanted by the gentle explosion of taste!

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