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Matcha: The evolution into an ever greener wonder

Matcha, a finely ground green tea originally from Japan, has become a globally recognized "green wonder" and also finds its place in Vietnamese tea culture. Here we look at how matcha is made, its health benefits, and its role in Vietnamese tea culture.

Making Matcha

  • cultivation: Growing matcha is different from other types of tea. The tea bushes are shaded about 20-30 days before harvest to reduce sunlight. This process increases chlorophyll production, which gives matcha its bright green color and leads to the formation of L-theanine and other amino acids.
  • harvest: Only the youngest and highest quality leaves are handpicked. After harvesting, the leaves are steamed to stop fermentation and preserve the color and nutrients.
  • processing: The leaves are then dried and stripped of their stems and veins, resulting in a product called tencha. These tencha leaves are then ground into a fine powder known as matcha.

Health Benefits of Matcha

  • Rich in antioxidants: Matcha is known for its high content of catechins, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a powerful antioxidant.
  • Increase in metabolism: Studies suggest that matcha can help boost metabolism and promote fat burning.
  • calming effect: The high content of L-theanine in matcha promotes relaxation and well-being without causing drowsiness.
  • Brain function: Matcha can improve concentration and attention while having a calming effect.
  • Heart health: The antioxidants in matcha may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Role in Vietnamese tea culture

  • Matcha does not have the same historical significance in traditional Vietnamese tea culture as it does in Japan, but it is becoming increasingly popular.
  • In Vietnam, where green tea has deep roots, matcha is valued both as a beverage and in modern culinary applications such as desserts, smoothies and pastry products.
  • With the global trend towards healthier lifestyles and the growing popularity of matcha in the international community, Vietnamese tea companies and cafes are also increasingly incorporating matcha into their product ranges.

The incorporation of matcha into Vietnamese tea culture reflects the global expansion and popularity of this unique tea. While retaining its traditional roots in Japan, Matcha offers a multi-faceted experience that has found global appeal in both the health and culinary fields.

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