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Vietnam's Tea World: A Journey to the Jasmine Fields

Jasmine tea production is a charming and meticulous process that reflects Vietnam's rich culture and tradition. Let's go on a journey to the jasmine fields of Vietnam and discover how this fragrant tea is made.

The journey begins in the jasmine fields

  • Cultivation of jasmine: There are extensive jasmine fields in Vietnam, especially in the northern regions. The plant flowers mainly in summer, with the flowers being harvested in the late afternoon when they are just opening and developing their full aroma.
  • Careful harvest: The jasmine flowers are picked by hand so as not to damage the delicate flowers. This often happens in the late afternoon or early evening when the flowers are just beginning to open.

Making jasmine tea

  • Selection of tea: The basis for jasmine tea is usually green tea, which is harvested in the spring months. This is carefully dried and stored until the jasmine flowers are ready to harvest.
  • Fragrant Symbiosis: The actual process of flavoring begins by placing the dried tea leaves and the fresh jasmine flowers in layers. The flowers open fully and release their aroma, which is absorbed by the tea leaves.
  • Time and patience: This process can take several hours and often the flowers are replaced several times to achieve a more intense aroma. In some traditional procedures, this process may be repeated over several nights.
  • Final product: After the tea leaves have fully absorbed the jasmine aroma, the flowers are removed. The tea is then dried again to remove the moisture it has absorbed from the fresh flowers.

Cultural significance

  • A symbol of hospitality: In Vietnam, jasmine tea is considered a sign of hospitality and is often offered to guests. It is also a popular tea in Vietnamese teahouses and cafes.
  • Traditional healing art: Jasmine tea is valued not only for its aroma and taste, but also for its calming properties and potential health benefits.

This journey to Vietnam's jasmine fields and the tea-making process reflects the dedication and craftsmanship required to produce one of the most fragrant and sought-after teas in the world. Vietnam's jasmine tea is not just a drink, but an experience that touches the senses and reflects the country's rich culture.

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