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Hike in Vietnam: On the trail of rare tea varieties

A trek through Vietnam's tealands offers a unique opportunity to experience the country's rich tea culture and discover some of the rarest and most exquisite teas in the world. Let's take an imaginary journey through these picturesque landscapes.

Starting point: The hills of Thai Nguyen

  • Our journey begins in Thai Nguyen, one of the most famous tea growing regions in Vietnam. The area is famous for its green tea, especially Tan Cuong tea, which is known for its delicate aroma and slightly sweet taste.
  • A hike through the hilly tea plantations offers breathtaking views and the opportunity to watch the tea pickers at work.

Onward journey: Moc Chau plateau

  • Next we head to Moc Chau, a region known for its vast tea plantations. Here you can witness the production of oolong and green tea.
  • Moc Chau is also known for its ethnic diversity, which offers the opportunity to learn more about the cultural practices of local communities.

Discovery in Suoi Giang

  • A highlight of the trip is a visit to Suoi Giang, an area known for its ancient tea trees, some over 300 years old. The Shan Tuyet tea produced here is a real experience for tea lovers.
  • This type of tea is characterized by large leaves and a strong aroma, which is strongly influenced by climatic conditions and altitude.

Detour to Lam Dong

  • In Lam Dong, especially in the Da Lat region, one can experience the production of specialty teas such as flower teas and flavored teas. The cooler temperatures and foggy haze give the teas grown here a unique aroma.

Endstation: Yen Bai

  • Yen Bai Province is famous for its wild tea trees. Here you can find some of Vietnam's oldest tea trees, whose leaves are valued for their intense flavor and health benefits.

Experiences and lessons

  • On this hike you will not only learn about the cultivation and processing of tea, but also delve deep into the local culture. You get to know the people behind each tea leaf and learn more about their way of life.
  • Tasting different types of tea directly at their place of origin offers an incomparable taste experience.

Such a hike through Vietnam's tea regions is more than just a journey; it is a journey of discovery that takes you through the history, culture and diverse flavors of the Vietnamese tea world. It is an opportunity to experience and appreciate the connection between the landscape, the people and the tea that arises from this harmonious relationship.

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